Pre-workouts - Do you need them?
Pre Workout Page drinks are now a popular trend in todays fitness world. Some people say that they are not needed and some swear by them. Pre workout drinks give you the power and energy through strenuous fitness activities. This can be gym workout type sessions to running sprints to longer running sessions. Ultimately, the body will tell you whether they work or not.
There are many types of supplements that can assist the body so it is difficult to know what you need when you first get started. As you start your health journey, in most cases people don't need to consume anything, but eventually, the body will start to require assistance. Along with a well balanced diet, the body may need support for muscle recovery. A pre-workout supplement is all part of the fitness cycle.
There are tablets, drinks, power type bars, but what you need will depend on what you are training for, your body type and stage of health. The important thing is that you listen to your body. you know when you need supplementation and./or energy. Workout what nutrition you need based on what your fitness focus is. If you want to gain muscle, this changes what you need to consume. If you want to get lean, then you may need a different pre-workout formula. If you are a runner, then more carbs may be needed.
Many of the supplements in the market may include:
- Caffeine
- Sugars
- Artificial stimulants
- Sugar alcohols
- Natural ingredients
- Have a combination of all of the above
Knowledge is power. Most people when they start to get healthier and live a more balanced life, will naturally do more research on supplementation and how to continue to stay fit. This is when they start to get more control over their bodies and can understand what they need from a supplement. Once they know what they need supplementation is a very important part of their journey.
"Regardless of what supplements are taken and when they are taken, Always remember to continue to drink WATER. This is one of the most important things that people forget. This is natures supplement. Without it, we cannot survive. It is important to continue to be hydrated so that toxins are flushed out of our systems. Easily a forgotten step in our fitness journey, but easily rectified."
Many people will also find it hard to continue to stay active due to the lack of energy. Supplementation may help this process and form part of a daily routine to stay focussed and energised. Lets face it, there are times when we just can't be bothered or complain about being too sore or too stiff. Pre-workout drinks helps the process to get in the right mind and physical state to get a run or a workout completed.
We will finish with this final word of advice. Just keep going. Take the next step. Listen to your body.
Enjoy your journey!