About Us
In my mid to late thirties I was working like any other husband and father to get ahead in life. Everything I did was always for the family. Within the blink of an eye, I was forty years old, tired and worn out from life.
The 80 hour working weeks was starting to wear me down. By the end of that year, my world changed, and I had to reset. I had to stop. I was tired, overweight and I was not healthy. This is the reason why I am passionate about this movement.
" The ultimate goal is to start a movement for men’s health that gives hope and opportunity to start a healthier and more rounded lifestyle. This is why Bars Supplements exist. Everything is aligned to this movement."
There was an opportunity to make a difference to my kids by being the best version of me. The healthiest version of me. Life was not easy, but I got fitter and healthier and this was the beginning of my Journey 2.0. It was not easy. It didn't happen overnight, but slowly I got healthier. I ran and I ran and took one step at a time.
Eventually I did some half marathons and then marathons. Took up a bit of biking and did some charity type rides, but the most proudest thing I have done is to compete in short form triathlon type of events. For someone that has an inherent fear of open water and generally sinking, this was massive for me. I didn't set the world on fire, but I got out there and I did it.
Recently, I heard that the father of one of my sons friends passed away recently. He was just 50 years old and had no apparent health issues. One morning he didn't wake up. Just like that. This news hit home more than I anticipated and this led me to this decision to start my own supplement company, Bars Supplements. I needed to make a decision to do this. What have I got to lose. I won't die wondering about regrets.
"Along the way I found and used different supplements and most worked and did what they set out to do. However I had to figure out for myself what i needed to workout, lose weight and recovery. I winged it!"
This Brand is there to help try and explain what you need. No frills or fancy marketing. Its a brand that gets you started on your journey to better health. My journey has led me to this point and the idea has been with me for a while. None of us know when our time is up, but we can make a decision to strive to be the best version of ourselves to give us the best chance of enjoying life with our friends and families.
This is the reason why. So was born this project. Launching softly, 2021 hopes to see people getting healthier and finding the best version of themselves. We have introduce an initial 7 products and will build from there. At the same time, it is hoped that we will build our message as far and wide as possible.
Life is short. It should be fun. .........See you out there!
Luki [Founder]